What We Offer, and Why You Need It

New on our subscription blog: On January 13, 2013, Amy Eldridge at "Love Without Boundaries" (LWB) posted a blog article introducing a series of postings discussing the changing face of China adoption.  The overall message of her posting is something readers of this blog have realized for many years -- that China isn't hiding healthy infant girls from adoption.  But what about her reasons as to why China's adoption program has changed?  Are they accurate?  We take a look.

 What Research-China.Org Has & Why You Really Need It

Research-China has been around for over ten years, and in that time we have evolved and broadened our offerings to adoptive families.  We thought it might be helpful to present what exactly we have to offer families, and why they should seriously consider contacting us for information about their child.

Finding Ads --Research-China.Org began with the discovery of Guangdong finding ads in 2002.  After adopting our daughter Meigon that year, I was refused a copy of her finding ad by the orphanage (as were all adoptive families at that time).  We began collecting newspapers, and today have the finding ads for over 100,000 children.  Adoptive families are now often provided copies of their child's finding ads at adoption, a response by the Chinese government to our business, but these are often poor-quality xerox copies.

There are several reasons why families should contact us for their child's finding ad, even if they already have a copy.  First, it allows us to see if we have other information about your child besides the finding ad itself.  In the decade of researching, we have located many foster families, finders, birth families, etc., of many children for whom we don't have contact information.  There is no cost or obligation to requesting your child's finding ad, and you may be surprised at what other opportunities we have for you.

Second, the finding ad given to families is sometimes a second or even a third "edition," with previous ads being published with different photos, etc.  We have all of these ads, so you may be surprised to learn that another finding ad was published for your child that was not provided you, with an earlier photo of your child that you didn't know existed.  

Your child's finding ad is the earliest documentation that exists for your child, and aside from the photo is an important artifact of your child's personal history.  

DVDs/Photos -- Since 2002, Research-China.Org has researched in over 60 orphanages across China.  The results of each research project is put to a nice video DVD.  Generally, the orphanage itself is profiled, as well as many finding locations and other interesting sites around the city.  The DVDs provide a very nice "time capsule" of the area when many of the children lived there, and thus are very important glimpses into our children's pre-adoption lives.  A large photo archive is also available, where families can order orphanage, finding location, and other photos of interest.

Maps -- As we have wandered around the various cities and towns of China, we have stopped and collected hundreds of area maps.  These are perfect for Life Books, or just to mark with your child's finding location, orphanage, and other important locations.  Priced at only $10, they are an exceptional value.

Coffee Table Books -- A recent addition, our orphanage photo books provide a complementary way of presenting your child's history to our DVDs.  Beautifully produced, our orphanage books provide gorgeous photos of your child's orphanage area, the orphanage itself, area foster families, and other interesting images.  Our books can be customized with your child's finding ad to add that personal touch, making the book "their" book.

Birth Parent Search (BPSA)/Orphanage Reliability Analysis (ORA) --  These two reports are an in-depth look at your child's orphanage, its adoption history, and its demographic make-up.  We believe that by comparing your child's finding circumstances with those of all the other children adopted from the same orphanage, very important conclusions can be drawn that have serious implications for how your child will understand their history.  Both reports provide an important summary of important data trends and characteristics, and both draw on data from Baidu searches of area blogs and media sources, contacts in many areas, finding ad data, and our own research experiences.  These reports concisely present all that is known about your child's orphanage, and how your child may have come into the orphanage.  

Our BPSA is for those adoptive families who are considering a search for their child's birth family, and includes membership in our birth parent search group, the largest group of its kind.  On this group are families ranging from "just learning" to those in contact with their child's birth family.  The depth of experience of our member families is unparallelled anywhere.  Participants in our birth parent search projects are drawn from families that have ordered this report.

The ORA is for families not interested in searching, but wanting more information about their child's orphanage.  This report contains a bit more analysis of finding patterns, etc., but is largely the same as our BPSA.  A family need only order one of the reports to gain all the information about their child and their orphanage.

Orphanage Data Books --  Forming the foundation of our personalized Birth Parent Search Analysis or Orphanage Reliability Analysis, the orphanage data books contain all of the finding data for the children submitted from the orphanage since 1999 or when the orphanage joined the international adoption program.  Arranged chronologically by finding date in table form, the data allows a family to see if other children were found the same day as their child, how many children were found at a child's finding location, how many total children have been adopted, and many other pieces of information.  The data is introduced by an informative introduction that provides keys to interpreting the data and drawing conclusions.  Nicely bound in hardcover 6x9 format with color illustrations and exhibits, the data book is a very important piece of your child's orphanage history.  Most Guangdong orphanages currently available, with Hunan, Jiangxi and Guangxi orphanages coming early 2013. 

Subscription Blog -- In 2009 we moved most of our investigative articles to a subscription format to insure that only serious and interested families had access to our experiences and information.  Since that time, we have provided over 40 detailed and data-driven articles on adoption patterns in various Provinces, birth family search experiences, parenting strategies for communicating adoption history to children, as well as interviews with orphanage directors, finders, birth families, etc. that provide important "back ground" information to understanding China's adoption program.  Our subscription blog is designed to answer questions of active and engaged adoptive families.  We try to post monthly, and we offer a 100% satisfaction guarantee that your subscription will be worthwhile.  You will learn things you never thought possible.

Translation Services -- One of the benefits to having a thoroughly experienced native Chinese member on our staff (my wife Lan) is that she is able to provide important translation expertise to our families.  If you have something you need accurately translated (foster family letters, adoption documents, police reports, etc.), Lan can help.  Lan's expertise is one of the primary reasons an adoptive family should contact us, as she is both extremely knowledgeable about China's orphanages, as well as understanding the cultural view points of both sides of the ocean.  She is the heart of the Research-China.Org organization.


By taking advantage of our research opportunities, an adoptive family will not only learn much regarding their child's pre-adoption history, but also come to thoroughly understand the China program itself.  This information will allow an adoptive parent to answer their child's questions with authority, real data and information, allowing the parent to have confidence in their statements to their child.  The questions will come; it is up to us as adoptive families to have the information at hand to answer them.

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