The Oculus Rift is a new Virtual Reality headset which features a wide 110 degree field of view, high resolution displays; specifically two 640×800 displays which in fact combines to create the illusion of a panoramic 1280×800 as well as featuring stereoscopic 3D. It’s touted as providing a truly immersive experience that will allow you to step inside your favourite game, and explore it like never before.
With an original goal of $250,000 to allow the Oculus Rift to get into the hands of developers, this target goal has now been more than quadrupled raising over $1 million, with 27 days remaining.
With just a $300 donation, developers can fund the Kickstarter project, and get hold of an Oculus Rift development kit with an estimated delivery of December 2012.
The virtual reality headset has not only attracted attention from the Kickstarter audience, but also widely renowned games developers including Epic Games who have confirmed that its Unreal Engine will be optimized for the Oculus.
The developer kit with 720P 3D display, the wide degree of viewing and only PC compatibility for gaming is just the beginning, with the Oculus stating on Kickstarter that the consumer version when released could feature even higher resolution displays, and compatibility with PC, Mac, Consoles and Mobile Devices – providing developers build support into their games! Devs, what are you waiting for?!
Check out a video of the Oculus Rift after the break:

Source: Kickstarter

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